Gagaku, literally graceful tunes, is Japanese ancient music and dances, mostly performed in shrines in royal occasions today. The most fundamental instruments in gagaku are three wind instruments - sho, hichiriki and ryuteki. Sho looks like a mini pipe organ consisting of 17 bamboo pipes. Hichiriki is a reed-like instrument made of rackered bamboo with 7 holes on the front and 2 on the back. It is the most used instument in gagaku. Ryuteki, dragon flute, is a 7-hole flute with 2-octave range. It is said that Sho represents the sound of heaven - sunlight coming through the clouds, Hichiriki, sound of the earth – human voice, and ryuteki, sound of the sky – a dragon flying through the sky. Together, they represent the sound of the Universe. The soundscape of the University, seemingly imaginative emerges, as we stand As we stand on top of the Oishi-yama Mountain, the soundscape of the universe emerges.
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